Friday, November 19, 2010

G-20 Conference

This year's G-20 Conference is being held at John Carroll!

The participants will be debating the following:
Should pollution laws and regulations be mandated internationally for all countries?


1. Bring your country's flag.
2. Wear national costume or bring national prop / choose a name.
3. Bring national anthem.
4. Bring pop music from your country,
5. Bring national food.
6. Bring photos (from Wikimedia Commons).
7. Read / Research your country on CIA Factbook, Wikipedia, Lonely Planet, and the official government websites.
8. Know the issue and be prepared to debate from the point of view of your country,

Friday, November 12, 2010

South Africa Mini Research Paper

In a three to five page (12 pt Times New Roman / Double-spaced) essay, answer the following:

Why did it take so long for Apartheid to be ended in South Africa?

Look at and research the following:

1. What was Apartheid? How and when did it start?
2. Who benefitted from it? Who suffered?
3. What were/are the demographics of South Africa?
4. Who was Nelson Mandela? How does he fit into the story?
5. What was Sun City? Why was there a boycott?
6. How did Apartheid end?
7. What was the 'Truth Commission'? What is the ANC?

Please use APA style in-text citations and proper bibliography. You must use both print and digital sources available through the JC library and media center. You must use authoritative web resources such as the CIA Factbook and the New York Times.

Due Fri for early section; next Mon for later.

Q. Where should I submit my paper?
A. Go to Google. Click on 'more' at the top left. Scroll down to 'documents' and click. Click on 'create new'. Choose 'document'. Put title in title box. Cut-and-paste your paper into the new Google Doc. Re-format as necessary. Click 'share' in top right corner. Add my gmail address: blakeplock at gmail.