Friday, January 21, 2011

Human Geography Final Exam 2011

This exam will test not your ability to memorize information, but your ability to actually become a researcher in human geography. Work swiftly but accurately and pay attention to the directions. All work should be posted on your blog (one blog post per question). Please write the honor pledge at the bottom of your exam.

1. 1) Explain the sudden dip on the following graph. 2) Explain how statistics can help to elucidate/explain the significance of historical events. Give a specific example such as any we discussed in class.

2. Using Google Maps Street View at please answer the following questions: 1) What color is the car parked in front of 30 Vesey St.? 2) What time was is when the Google pics were taken (hint... explore down Vesey St.). 3) What is the name of the chapel that sits in front of the WTC site? 4) How many people on the top deck of Broadway Gray Line Bus 71512 (standing in front of the AT&T store) are wearing sunglasses?

3. According to today's issue of what is the most unfriendly city in the USA? (Please give the name of the city and the url of the article).

4. Why are there so many names for "soda pop" in New Mexico?

5. Find Sudanese 'Lost Boy' John Dau's Twitter feed and send him a Tweet congratulating him on the South Sudan vote. Cite this BBC article in your Tweet by using the URL shortener. Take a screen shot of your Tweet and post it as a pic on your blog.

6. Read: and answer the following; use the research from NOAA to support your answers. 1) What causes climate change? 2) Is human activity contributing to climate change? 3) Is the climate warming? 4) If global warming is real, why has the East Coast of the USA been hit with massive blizzards the last two years?

7. 1) View and explain what a regional food hub is and why they are essential to sustainable agriculture and food distribution. 2) Go to and explain where you would find USDA approved organic poultry, beef, and vegetables closest to John Carroll. 3) Write a proposal for the JC cafeteria for a "JC Sustainable Food Day"; plan out where they could acquire organic foods and how they (and you) could help educate the school community on the issue of sustainable agriculture.

8. Choose a country that begins with either the second or fourth letter in your first name from and create a Google Presentation comparing that country to the USA. Supplement your presentation with resources, data, and pictures from CIA World Factbook, Wikimedia Commons, BBC News, NY Times, National Geographic, and PRI's The World (at least one citation from each of those sources).

9. France will chair the G-20 this year. Please read and explain the French president's position on fighting terrorism and whether he thinks the US is an ally or not.

10. Go to and read FAQ #6. Out of the nine topics mentioned, which in your opinion are the three most important. 1) Briefly explain why you think these are the most important three. 2) Find two significant web resources for further study of each of the three (total six web resources). Your sources must be of high quality and meet our class requirements for a serious source; furthermore, you are finding two sources for each so that the sources can aid in vetting one another's accuracy.

11. Go to CIA World Factbook; choose a country under 'East and Southeast Asia'. Then open a new 'My Map' in Google Maps and complete the following: 1) Find the three largest cities in your chosen country; pin the cities and give details for population in the description box of each. 2) Estimate the geographical area of the largest city in your country as compared to the geographical area of Bel Air, MD (i.e. Beijing is ___ approximately ____ times larger in geographical area than Bel Air, MD. 3) Bring up the traffic map and explain whether the traffic in your city is better or worse on average at this time of day than the traffic in New York City. All of your answers go in the description box. Please make sure to 'share' the map with me and post the link on your blog.

12. What does the following gapminder graph tell us about the relationship between health expenditures and global health?

13. Using the data from this gapminder graph and encyclopedic information from Wikipedia, explain the following: 1) Why is the UK in the lead in the beginning? 2) Why does the USA surpass the UK when it does? 3) Why the drop in CO2 production around 1929? 4) When does China enter the picture? 5) Despite the fact that there are far more people in China than in the USA, the data shows that the US population consumes much more CO2 -- why? 6) Explain Trinidad and Tobago in the 1940s. 7) Explain Luxembourg. 8) Explain all of the tiny countries near the top.

14. With a partner, write up a 10-step plan of ways that our school could use technology to live up to its stated mission of preparing young men and women "to serve responsibly in shaping a more just and compassionate global society".

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Friday, January 7, 2011

Let's Not Call it an Exam

Instead, let's call it your final projects in Human Geography.

Basically what you'll be doing is choosing from among a menu of options of mini-projects related to each of the topics we covered in class. You will complete several mini-projects and you may choose the assignments that appeal to you the most. For each mini-project, you will write a short explanation of why the subject matter resonates with you.

Here's a list of the topics:

1. The Post-9-11 World
2. Regionalism and Language
3. Forced Migration: War, Famine, Natural Disasters
4. The Changing Environment
5. Food and Us
6. Regional Conflict and Cultural Effects: Israel & Palestine / Afghanistan / India & Pakistan / Tibet
7. AIDS in Africa
8. The Rwandan Genocide
9. South Africa and the History of Apartheid
10. The G-20
11. US / Mexico Relations
12. Immigration in Western Europe
13. What is a Country?
14. Religion and Geography

Some of these mini-projects will be individual and some will be collaborative with other students. Everything will be done online and you will have full-access to the Web.

To prepare, go back over each of the topics we covered this semester and re-read your blogposts. Get together with friends and talk about the topics and help one another think about them. If you don't have time during the day, Skype is a great option.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

If it Were My Home

Please go to and choose a country that begins with the letter you've been given. Research your country and write a blogpost in the form of a journal or diary entry detailing your experiences in that country as an exchange student. Please include pics (they must include pics of people and homes / indoors).

100pts -- We'll present next class.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Language and Experience Project

You are to write a blog post of at least 750 words. This will be in a "Q&A" interview style and you are to interview someone who is currently in high school whose first language is not English. You want to learn about what it was like to learn English and what their experience has been like.

You should prepare at least ten questions in advance. Here are some examples: Was it difficult to learn English? In what ways have you benefited from learning the language? Do you still speak your primary language at home or with family and friends? Why / Why not? How did you come to go to school in the United States? What are some of the differences between an American school and a school in your home country?

The published interview is due Monday, Jan 10.