Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Sustainability in Food Production and Distribution Project

300 points (100 for each part)

1. Complete food journal detailing everything eaten over our timeframe. The only way to get full credit is to have gone to the grocery store and found out where your produce came from.

2. Food Distribution Map: make a Google Map of as much of your food journal as you can. Then add up the approximate total mileage your food traveled. For full credit, estimate how much gas that represents by researching what kind of mileage a big rig (or in some cases a cargo ship) gets and multiplying that by the current price of gas (check at your local gas station).

3. Reflection Essay: 1,000 word personal essay about your feelings about sustainability and un-sustainability in food production and distribution based on everything you learned in class. Are you going to change your diet? Are you going to think about buying organic? What surprised you?

Due on your blogs as three separate blogposts by the end of the day (11:59PM) Friday.

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